Disaster Recovery News | ACR Companies

ACR Restoration & Cleaning: Ensuring Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery with MSAs - ACR Cleaning & Restoration

Written by ACR Admin | Nov 21, 2023 9:28:46 AM

Being prepared for unexpected events and disasters is crucial for maintaining business continuity, streamlining disaster recovery, and minimizing your losses. ACR Restoration & Cleaning understands the importance of safeguarding your commercial properties and assets. 

During our more than 30 years of experience, we have developed a reputation for excellence in providing top-notch restoration and cleaning services. 

Keep reading as we delve into ACR’s competitive strengths, the significance of master service agreements (MSAs), and our comprehensive disaster recovery solutions.

ACR’s Competitive Strengths in Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

For three decades, ACR Restoration & Cleaning has been at the forefront of the commercial cleaning and restoration industry. Our dedication to excellence has earned us the trust of our national accounts, and our competitive strengths set us apart.

These strengths include: 

Proven Cleaning Processes

ACR’s cleaning processes have evolved and proven their effectiveness over the years. We offer cleaning services for a wide range of surfaces, including carpet, hard surfaces, natural stone, window coverings, upholstery, and contents.

Customer Satisfaction

ACR boasts an impressive 98 percent customer satisfaction rate and retention since the inception of our business. This reflects our commitment to delivering the highest-quality cleaning services to our commercial customers.

Green Cleaning

We prioritize environmental responsibility by using green chemicals that align with flooring manufacturer warranties and guidelines. Our services include sanitization, deodorization, deep cleaning, and spot removal.

National Geographic Coverage

ACR’s national coverage is supported by a proven authorized service provider network. This network ensures unmatched response times, zero business disruptions, flexible scheduling, and the availability of same-day services in major markets.

Commercial Restoration Services

In addition to cleaning, ACR offers rapid emergency response times for water extraction, mitigation, fire mitigation, and mold remediation. Our highly qualified project management teams keep clients fully informed throughout every project.

Commercial Cleaning and Restoration Master Service Agreements

One of the cornerstones of ACR’s commitment to preparedness is our structured service agreements. These agreements ensure that your business or property portfolio is ready for any disaster. 

We offer several levels of structured service agreements tailored to your needs:

Master Service Agreement (MSA)

A top-tier MSA designates ACR as your primary service provider, complete with expectations and pricing in place. This agreement streamlines the process and ensures a swift response when you need it most.

Emergency Response Program (ERP)

Our ERP includes a comprehensive building assessment that can be integrated into any agreement. It encompasses building photos, contact information, important documentation, and expectations during an emergency, serving as a living document to assist in your emergency planning.

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

ACR can enter into an MOU to provide specific resources during times of need. These documents demonstrate our willingness to cooperate with your preexisting planning and can be invaluable in times of crisis.

Business Continuity, Restoration, and Disaster Recovery Solutions

Natural and manmade disasters can strike at any time, jeopardizing your business’s continuity. ACR provides full-service disaster recovery services, following the structured service agreement in place. 

Our solutions include:

  • Loss Assessment: ACR’s team swiftly assesses the extent of damage, identifies immediate client concerns, and establishes effective communication channels.
  • Mitigation Procedures: We mobilize the appropriate response, communicate estimated arrival times, and initiate initial mitigation procedures to secure the site and identify hazards.
  • Documentation: Our team provides photo documentation, notes structural deficiencies, and determines the need for emergency power, heating, or cooling.
  • Restoration: ACR’s scope of services covers everything from temporary power solutions to content protection and manipulation. We ensure your property is on the path to recovery.
  • Reporting: Daily written reporting keeps you informed of progress, and we aim to provide a full estimate within 24 hours.


ACR Restoration & Cleaning is your trusted partner in safeguarding your commercial properties and assets. Our competitive strengths, structured service agreements, and comprehensive disaster recovery solutions ensure that you are prepared for any eventuality. Don’t wait for disaster to strike—partner with ACR and secure your business’s future today. 

Contact us for a consultation, and let us tailor a plan that suits your needs.